Studio Stories

Veronica Bouchard Veronica Bouchard

How to Get Motivated as an Artist

How to get motivated as an artist. If you want to improve as an artist you need to be making and creating regularly. But how do you do this when you are not feeling motivated? I’m here to give you some actionable advice that will make it easy for you to create and stick with an art-making habit.

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Veronica Bouchard Veronica Bouchard

Launch Day!

Today is the day!

Today I am launching and announcing my new website and store!

I’ve poured so much time and effort into this website. I know it’s not perfect. I’ll continue to tweak and edit it over the next few weeks (or months). But I’m so proud to have it up and running.

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Veronica Bouchard Veronica Bouchard

The Birth of a Website

I just spent 12 hours this weekend taking and editing over 275 photos for this website. It’s been a long time coming. I’ve made half-hearted attempts to create a website in the past. I would rush to throw something quick together, not really paying attention to the design of the site or the quality of the images I was using. They all ended up being lackluster and sometimes even ugly.

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