The Birth of a Website

I’m finally doing it! I’m finally putting together my artist website.

I just spent 12 hours this weekend taking and editing over 275 photos for this website. It’s been a long time coming. I’ve made half-hearted attempts to create a website in the past. I would rush to throw something quick together, not really paying attention to the design of the site or the quality of the images I was using. They all ended up being lackluster and sometimes even ugly.

This time around I’m taking a different approach. I’m focusing on design and functionality first. 

Starting with design.  I spent most of last week thinking about how I wanted to present myself as a brand. I outlined what my brand voice would be. I created a mood board, choose my brand colors, and designed my logo. I’m sure I’ll continue to revise and tweak things as I go. But I feel so much more confident having a look and feel to aim for.

The next big task was taking and editing quality photos of my artwork. That can now be crossed off my to-do list. (at least I hope it’s done, once I start uploading them I’ll likely find more things I want to tweak and edit. ) There is still so much left today and I feel like I continue to add things to my to-do list every day.

My goal is to get this launch by next Sunday, March 20th. That’s when the trial version of my website runs out and I finally have to pay for it.

Also, can we just take a moment to talk about how weird I felt sitting down to take a posed selfie for this blog post? I think I’m going to skip that step in future posts and just stick with posting images of my art and the art-making process.

Finally, if you are here reading this I want to thank you for being supportive of me and this little project I’m working on.


Launch Day!